Illustrating Digital Transformation with WalkMe

ImageThink partnered with WalkMe to capture key takeaways at their first ever industry event and inspire unplanned and engaging discussions on the topics presented.

Graphic of ImageThink Method - Engage phase

Digital Adoption in the Era Everything Went Digital

Since its founding in 2011, WalkMe has been transforming the way people and teams interact with technology. The company accelerates and optimizes their clients’ digital transformation strategies by driving user engagement and adoption.

After 2020 painfully highlighted the gaps in many companies’ digital readiness, WalkMe saw a critical turning point for many industries. In its first ever digital transformation event, WalkMe wanted to persuade its audience that 2021 is a critical turning point for businesses and their digital strategies.

Measuring Impact

WalkMe partnered with Harvard Business Review Analytics Services, Forrester Research, and Constellation Research to collect industry data on the impact of technology on business. ImageThink was consulted to bring visual variety to the presentations and to help engage a virtual audience with digital graphic recording.

ImageThink digital graphic recording capture

At the event, industry leaders sat down with WalkMe to discuss their approaches to digital transformation and what their key metrics of success looked like. In true hybrid fashion, WalkMe varied its day of speakers with in-person hosts, Zoom presentations, and a live screen-share of ImageThink’s capture of the speakers’ most crucial takeaways.

Digitizing the Analog Experience

ImageThink shared their visual notes at the end of each presentation, which in turn added a new opportunity for the hosts to speak to trends they saw amongst speakers. This further reinforced those trends with the audience.

The result was an engaging virtual event that created a level experience for in-person and remote attendees through real-time graphic recording. The visual notes added variety to the event and also provided a succinct recap of each presentation to cement key takeaways in their collective memory.

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