Draw Your Big Idea: Your Legacy


If you live your life with purpose, how will you be remembered?

While working on Draw Your Big Idea, we spent a lot of time looking at which exercises have helped our clients the most, and thinking about ways we could harness the power of those exercises in the form of a book to share with you all.

This post shares an exercise from Chapter 3: Declaring Your Purpose. Thinking about how you want to be remembered is an important step towards making decisions that add meaning and happiness to your life achievements. The Legacy Exercise is one step in this important, sometimes difficult, task.  It has helped many of the people we work with identify the characteristics and values they want to maintain, as they pursue their projects and goals.

In other exercises in the book, like the Toolbelt Exercise from chapter 2, you hone your purpose and identify achievable projects in your work to actualize your bigger goals.  In the Legacy Exercise, you will take a moment to imagine yourself years in the future, long after your project is realized to ask yourself, “How do I want my achievements to be remembered?”


There is a lot of hard work that has to go into making your big idea a reality. It is easy sometimes to get caught up in the details and forget why you set out to achieve your goals in the first place.  The Legacy Exercise is there for you to remember the big picture when you find yourself working late nights and early mornings. It is a way to create a north star for yourself when you start to feel a little lost or tired out.

So take some time and ask yourself: how and for what do you want to be remembered, and how will the big idea you are working towards bring you closer to making this happen? Want to truly declare your purpose? Share it with us using #DrawYourBigIdea!

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